At Jesslethics, I specialize in supporting athletes in building their brand and maximizing their potential through strategic social media image-building and effective website creation. By enhancing their online presence, I help athletes attract the attention of potential sponsors and develop valuable partnerships.
In addition to these foundational services, I offer photoshoots that enhance their visual appeal and create a strong impact on their audience. I also provide personal sports documentation to highlight their journey and achievements, along with video shoots for highlight or application videos that effectively showcase their skills.
Ultimately, my goal is to develop individual solutions tailored to each athlete’s unique needs, allowing them to focus fully on their sport.
Services at a glance

Sponsorship Dossier Creation
Strategic collaboration

Website Creation
Hosting Your Website
Engaging with Newsletters

digital marketing
Personal Branding
Understanding the Instagram Algorithm & Insights
Creating a Systematic Instagram Grid (Content Creation)

Fotos / Videos
Professional Photoshoot
Personal Sports Documentation
Video Shoot for Highlight or Application Videos (Sports College)
4 reasons why you will benefit from the services of an athlete manager

Time saving



A different view
As already mentioned, the appearance of an athlete has become much more important today due to the immense growth of social media. That is why I have specialized in digital media and offer it accordingly because you can reach out to sponsors in a targeted way.
If you are interested in one or more offers mentioned above, please feel free to email me so that we can put together the best possible athlete support.